Two ways to join tables in SQL – using JOIN Clause vs Where Clause
Joins are an integral part of working with data, especially in SQL. When data is stored in tables, joins are used to connect the data points as necessary for retrieving full information. There are two different clauses that can be used to join tables.
1) JOIN Clause
JOIN Clause is the most commonly used method to join data from different tables. There are four types of join functions available depending on the nature of the join required. These are INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, LEFT JOIN AND RIGHT JOIN. To learn more about joins, visit this link here:
INNER JOIN is the most common and widely used join in SQL. Most of the time, the clause is just called JOIN and it defaults to an INNER JOIN.
Let’s use the CHINOOK database to test an example.
Example using JOIN Clause
select * from tracks
join genres on tracks.genreid = genres.genreid
join albums on tracks.AlbumId = albums.AlbumId;
The query above joins the tracks table with the genres table using GenreID and joins the tracks table again with the albums table using the AlbumID.
Let’s answer a question that required joining data from different tables.
Question: List all Latin songs
Answer: select * from tracks t join genres g on t.genreid = g.genreid and g.Name = “Latin”;
Note: Here t and g are used as aliases for the table names.
2) WHERE Clause
Now, the WHERE clause is usually used to add filters or conditions, however, you can also use this to join tables! Interesting, huh! In fact, sometimes the WHERE clause can be much easier to read and quicker to write.
Let’s redo the example above using the WHERE clause.
Note: The WHERE clause would only work in place of an INNER JOIN. For LEFT, RIGHT and OUTER JOINs, you’d need to use the specific JOIN clauses.
Example redone using the WHERE Clause
select * from tracks, genres, albums
where tracks.GenreId = genres.GenreId
and tracks.AlbumId = albums.AlbumId;
The query above joins the tracks table with genres and albums tables. It connects the tracks table to genres table using GenreID and albums table using the AlbumID.
Let’s answer the same question from earlier in this example using the WHERE clause.
Question: List all Latin songs
Answer: select * from tracks, genres where tracks.GenreId = genres.GenreId and genres.Name = “Latin”;
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